Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Oceanside Museum of Art, Biennial 2019-2020

Nasturtiums, Los Jilgueros Preserve  48x24"  thrown and splattered paint on canvas  2019
Oceanside Museum of Art, Artist Alliance Biennial, December 21 thru May 31 2020.
Oceanside Museum of Art

Mitchell Contemporary Idaho

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Adelman Fine Art, Music as Muse 2019

reception, Music as Muse, Adelman Fine Art, San Diego, October 2019

Oceanside Museum of Art, six word story October 2019

                                               On The Other Side, He Waited

City of Fontana Summer Showcase Artist 2019, 2 months, 2 workshops, 2 solo exhibits



Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rebecca Molayem Gallery , Los Angles, solo exhibit June 2019


  Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles , solo exhibit June 1 2019   

solo exhibit May 2019, Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

Just before the opening solo exhibit at the Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

solo exhibit Rebecca Molayem Gallery, May 2019

Delivering work for my solo exhibit with Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

City of Fontana

 Los Jilgueros Preserve, 5.5x10ft.   thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas    2019
City of Fontana Summer Showcase Artist 2019
City of Fontana

Just a couple of the larger works headed to the City of Fontana. I paint with the canvas on the floor, walking around as layer upon layer is thrown on the canvas. I feel, while painting, that I am almost able to enter my larger works. I hope, due to size, that the viewer feels that way as well. These paintings are off to Fontana for the summer, where I have the honor of being their Summer Showcase Artist. These are just a couple of the paintings over 8 feet, to see more, visit the Art Depot Gallery and City Hall of Fontana. 

Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho

Storm Nearing  40x72"  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
represented by Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho
Mitchell Contemporary (click for more available works) 

Storm nearing, was a wonderful storm that was tracking us, as we drove through Colorado. What a beautiful show of colors, across the plains and the sky...

LGOCA, Laguna Beach, CA

Sunset Beach  4x5' thrown and splattered paint on canvas  2018
represented by LGOCA, Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art, Laguna Beach
LGOCA (click to view more works) 

California Coast allows us many opportunities to view dramatic ocean sunsets. I try to capture the feeling, the mood, when in the evening, the sky lights up,leaving patches of turqoise amidst flames of red and yellow (and if you're lucky...the green flash).

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles
Spring solo exhibit
Rebecca Molayem Gallery (click to view more works)

Los Jilgueros Preserve

Los Jilgueros Preserve  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019

Another work from the Los Jilgueros Preserve. Spring was wonderful to us, lots of flowers. Summer/Fall means heat, which will dry these and the sage grasses into tender for the wildfires. Hopefully, they will pass us by  but in the meantime, I am still enjoying the spring harvest.

Adelman Fine Art, San Diego

Wild Mustard  48x24"  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas   2019
represented by Adelman Fine Art, San Diego
Adelman Fine Art (to view more images, please click)

We had an abundance of wild mustard this year on the Hill. So much fun to walk through, photograph and paint.

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

Coastal CA.  36x48"  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles
Rebecca Molayem Gallery (click to view more works)

A bit of a new style with 2019. Going back to a looser style, more conducive to the technique. If the painting looks painted on, rather than 'thrown', I feel I've defeated the purpose of the technique. I am not striving for the Annie Oakley of paint throwing, just trying to suggest an image, a feeling, an essence of a subject.

L'Attitude Art Gallery, Boston

Pink Trees  36x48" thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
represented by L'Attitude, Boston
L'Attitude (click to view more works)
Abundance  24x36"   thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas   2019
represented by Adelman Fine Art, San Diego
Adelman Fine Art (click on link to view more works)

Mitchell Contemporary, Idaho, triptych Aspen Grove

 Aspen Grove   triptych  48x90"  (48x30"each panel) thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
represented by, Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho
Mitchell Contemporary (click to view more works)

Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho

Maples 4x5'  thrown and splattered acrylic paint on canvas  2018
represented by Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho
Mitchell Contemporary (click to view more works)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

LGOCA, Laguna Beach, By the Sea

Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Arts, Laguna Beach
By the Sea   36x72", thrown and splattered paint on canvas 2019
represented by LGOCA

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles solo exhibit

solo exhibit ,Thrown and Splattered
Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles
June 1 through June 27 2019

Rebecca Molayem Gallery (click to view more works)

City of Fontana, Summer Showcase Artist 2019

The Field Behind the House   36x48"  thrown and splattered paint on canvas  2019
City of Fontana  Summer Showcase Artist July1-Aug.30 2019

Adelman Fine Art, San Diego

Los Jilgueros Preserve   30x48"  thrown and splattered paint on canvas 2019
This painting is a composition of spring wildflowers at the preserve. I don't strive for reality but the "feeling or essence" of the subject. In this case, a morning walk in the preserve with a light fog cloaking the fields and intermingling with the flora.

represented by Adelman Fine Art, San Diego
Adelman Fine Art  (click to see other works)

a crisper day in the preserve, shows some of the wild flora I attempted to capture in the paintings of the preserve.

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles, The Edge

The Edge    30x48"   thrown and splattered paint on canvas    2019
represented by Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

Adleman Fine Art, San Diego, Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums.  48x24" thrown and splattered paint on canvas 2019

Another view of the Los Jilgueros Preserve. Loved my spring walks through the preserve with my dogs and husband.
represented by Adelman Fine Art, San Diego
Adelman Fine Art (click to view more works)

Loved the shades of green in this glen punctuated by the bright orange nasturtiums. I will try this painting again, the initial one is quite dark and lush but I may go for the yellow sping in the next.

City of Fontana, Summer Showcase Artist 2019

On the Hill. 48x24" thrown and splattered paint on canvas   2019
On the Hill will be exhibited at the Gallery Depot in the City of Fontana from July 1 through Aug.30 for the Summer Showcase
The City of Fontana is currently  exhibiting 20 works of mine, many over 8 ft., two over 10ft. 

On the Hill is in reference to our back yard and the county beyond. We live near an unincorporated area that boasts wildflowers, yellow mustard, rolling hills and of course, eucalyptus trees. These are three trees, I see from my studio window...every few years a hawk family will take up residence in the trees, build a huge nest and produce a couple of babies. Very exciting.

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles Coastal California Wetlands

Coastal California Wetlands    36x48"  thrown and splattered paint on canvas   2019
represented by Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

Southern California wetlands are the lagoons, marshes, sloughs  and estuaries that line the coast.  It's where on any given day birds, water fowl and  fish mingle with the kyakers and shore fisherman. It's the abundance of flora and fauna that make the wetlands some of the most productive and richest habitats in the world.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Wildflowers in the Mist

Wildflowers in the Mist  40x60" thrown and splattered paint on canvas
Wildflowers in the Mist was a commissioned piece by one of my collectors. Her mother had recently passed away and left her a little money, she decided the best way to honor her mother was through one of my paintings. She honored me as well.
The painting is from a foggy walk near my home. I stopped to enjoy the spiritual feeling at a fog enshrouded vista, where only the wildflowers were visible. The rest of the earth trailing off behind a veil of fog. The fog tamped down any extraneous noise and all I could hear were a few birds while I gazed off into the softened vista. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow , Blue Heron Farms

 Blue Heron Farms   5x4'  thrown and splattered paint on canvas
Beverly Hills ArtShow 2019 booth #413
This painting is an image, an essence, of my neighbor and friends massive Jacaranda tree that graced her terraced yard. She owned an organic farm and bed and breakfast on our hill and we use to sit on the porch that faced this tree, having coffee and breakfast. She tried to train me to know all the birds on our hill, I was a very sad failure at remembering all their names. But I will never forget the time she pointed out the waxwing pair in this magnificent tree.
There was not enough canvas to give this painting the true essence of magnitude, nor the shower of petals that reined. This one is going to the show. It is a really beautiful painting, that does indicate the technique of 'throwing' along with the experience of that wonderful yard (those are her prize white roses in the distance).

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18th/19th Beverly Garden Park

Southern California Super Bloom 24x48" thrown and splattered paint on canvas 2019
Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18th/19th  booth #413
The bloom was so spectacular this last spring, it was tempting to paint numerous times, and I did. This painting captures the poppies as well as the lupine and the snow capped mountains. Being a larger canvas, allowed me to give this painting more depth as the lupine recede into the distance. What appears fairly straightforward, isn't however. This painting probably has 10 or more layers. All the paintings have a number of layers but this was excessive as I nuanced the colors of the wildflowers to give depth and reality. My goal is to achieve the essence of the subject, not photo realism. At times, perfectionism can dwarf the objective of impressionism and the chaos of the technique, I try to retain.

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2019

After the Rain  36x48"  thrown and splattered paint on canvas  2019
Beverly Hills ArtShow 2019 May 18th/19th  booth #413
After the Rain has had a couple different incarnations as wildflowers. The first was a bit too contrived. The more I look at the wildflowers, the more chaos I observe, that coalesces into the image of a consistency the mind makes up. After the Rain is a bit more wild, which also helps to insure that technique of throwing the paint ( sticks are used to give the streams of paint, brushes are used to splatter), is obvious in the outcome. After the Rain and it's incarnations have taken two years to arrive here.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, solo exhibit

Fog in the Wild Mustard        thrown and splattered paint on canvas           2019
Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles
solo exhibit 6/1/2019
Fog in the Wild Mustard was taking from a vista above my house. Normally there are flower fields, farm land and a small slice of ocean visible from this viewpoint. The morning of this painting, it was all fogged in, leaving just the precipice covered in wildflowers and the distance cloaked in soft imagination. The edge of the world.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Adelman Fine Art at Little Italy Art Walk April 27th and 28th

Super Bloom  12x24"  thrown and splattered paint on canvas   2019
Adelman Fine Art has a booth, #627-620, at the Little Italy Art Walk in San Diego on April 27th and 28th
Please join us there!!

The wildflowers are in bloom in our part of southern California and I was busy trying to capture their beauty. What captivated me most, was the beauty of new growth against the backdrop of snowy mountains. Rebirth among the ending season. 
I painted four of these, they were small, 12x24", therefore very difficult to throw accurately. Throwing consists of throwing streams of paint from the end of sticks and splashing paint using various size brushes and paint consistencies. I mix my own paints using 100% acrylic house paint and artist acrylic. My objective of all my paintings is to show the technique, in other words, it should appear as though the paint were thrown, not painted on. I want to render the essence of an experience, not a photo realistic painting. 

Beverly Hills, ArtShow, May 18th and 19th 2019

Cherry        30x48"            thrown and splattered paint on canvas           2019

Adleman Fine Art, San Diego
Anniversary Exhibit
Cherry has been many incarnations, all within the cherry blossom theme. The painting has been exhibited as red, white and pink cherry blossom trees. Each time it came back I worked on it. It wasn't finished. It just wasn't right in my eyes. It hadn't popped! On this last throw, it did exactly what I wanted. I love this painting. Deconstructing the image with splashes and throws, particles that reconstructed into a perceived image is one of my objectives. Another is to retain the technique of throwing in the image a third is to capture the experience of the subject, not the subject itself.
Adelman Fine Art

Rebecca Molayem Solo Exhibit Los Angeles, June 2019

       Cherry Storm   4x7'     thrown and splattered paint on canvas      2019

upcoming solo exhibit at the Rebecca Molayem Gallery, 481 S. Fairfax, Los Angeles, 90036

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Summer Showcase Artist City of Fontana 2019

Summer Showcase Artist City of Fontana 2019

City of Fontana

    Flame Fields       48x30"      thrown and splattered paint on canvas      2018

I was invited to be, The Summer Showcase Artist for the City of Fontana, July 2 -Aug.28th 2019. My work will be exhibited in two primary galleries, I will hold two workshops for the city, and there will be a reception dinner. Thank you Fontana for this wonderful opportunity.