Thursday, October 13, 2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Storm Nearing

Storm Nearing  72x40" thrown and splattered paint on canvas. 2017-2022

Beverly Hills Art Show 2022 Oct. 15&16

Storm Nearing was imagined during a road trip to Colorado, where a storm traveling just to the west of our road was creeping upon us. Showing us ahead of time what it was that we were in for. A wonderful dousing.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Boundaries of Pink

 The Boundaries of Pink.  60x40". thrown and splattered paint on canvas

Beverly Hills ArtShow Oct. 15&16.  10am-5pm. booth 304  

The Boundaries of Pink is one of only two blocked paintings. It is completely thrown, then blocked to give it tight edges, a force against the chaos. The blue here can be interpreted as either sky or river. Either way, it suggests a peaceful repose.

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Sun in the Mist


Sun in the Mist.   48x48". thrown and splattered paint on canvas  2022
Beverly Hills ArtShow. Oct. 15&16.   10am-5pm
In Sun in the Mist, I am playing with the background light, hoping to have the appearance of the sun rising through mist, and highlighting a little area of plant in front. 


Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 the Faery Forest

In The Faery Forest. 48x30".  thrown and splattered paint on canvas.  2022
Beverly Hills ArtShow  October 15&16. 10am-5pm   booth 304

Another from the Faery Forest in the northwest. Lore has it that the locals leave gifts for the faeries to show them appreciation. It is a spell binding spot, magical.


Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Fog in the Low Lands

 Fog in the LowLands.  24x36" thrown and splattered paint on canvas. 2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow   Oct 15&16.  10am-5pm.   booth 304

Fog in the Low Lands was inspired by my early. morning walks through the hills. The sight of the fog, still nestled into the lower vales, giving a sense of a muffled world of peace.

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Shin Shin

 Shin Shin. 40x30"  Thrown and Splattered paint on canvas 2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow   Oct.15&16.  10am-5pm.  booth 304

Shin Shin means, the sound of snow falling quietly. I hope this painting portrays the feeling

of that. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Sakura

 Sakura   34x48" thrown and splattered paint on canvas. 2021

Beverly Hills ArtShow.  2022. October 15&16  10am-5pm  Booth 304

There is no drawing or painting directly on the canvas. Often times there isn't much forethought before I start throwing, the painting and the process direct the subject and the outcome. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2023 Reach for the Sky


          Reach for the Sky    40x40".     thrown and splattered paint on canvas      2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow  October 21&22  10am-5pm.  Booth 320

Reach for the Sky is a delight of color, a celebration of life . One can almost feel the seeds as they scatter in the ocean breeze, to regenerate and reconfirm the color of life.

Adelman Fine Art, San Diego


48x48" thrown and splattered paint on canvas. 2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022. October 15&16 10am-5pm booth 304

Yellow is only the second type of this painting where I blocked parts of the painting, giving very sharp edges to the chaos of the throws. I like the juxtaposition of control and chaos shown here. 


Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Faery Forest

Faery Forest

Each are 36x18 thrown and splattered paint on canvas 2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow, October 15&16, 10am-5pm. Booth 304

Nothing is painted or drawn directly onto the canvas, the images are derived by the throws of paint using a large stick, and the splatters from brushes. 
 These paintings were inspired by the Faery Forest I visited in outside Washington State. Lore has it that Faeries reside in and among the trees and the brush, gifts are left by local residents in hopes of keeping these faeries happy. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2022 Jack in the Honey


Jack in the Honey

40x60" thrown and splattered paint on canvas 2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow    October 15&16 from 10am- 5pm.     Booth 304

Jack in the Honey references our Jacaranda trees that grow out of our 7 foot tall Honeysuckle. It is a loose painting that gives the rhythm and feel of these delicate trees, ponderous in petal but lithe in their movements.

Jack threw fairly easily, it didn't fight me, so it appears lighter than some other of my other paintings, perfect for the subject matter. The lightness of being.