Thursday, April 11, 2019

Adelman Fine Art at Little Italy Art Walk April 27th and 28th

Super Bloom  12x24"  thrown and splattered paint on canvas   2019
Adelman Fine Art has a booth, #627-620, at the Little Italy Art Walk in San Diego on April 27th and 28th
Please join us there!!

The wildflowers are in bloom in our part of southern California and I was busy trying to capture their beauty. What captivated me most, was the beauty of new growth against the backdrop of snowy mountains. Rebirth among the ending season. 
I painted four of these, they were small, 12x24", therefore very difficult to throw accurately. Throwing consists of throwing streams of paint from the end of sticks and splashing paint using various size brushes and paint consistencies. I mix my own paints using 100% acrylic house paint and artist acrylic. My objective of all my paintings is to show the technique, in other words, it should appear as though the paint were thrown, not painted on. I want to render the essence of an experience, not a photo realistic painting.