Reflections 36x48" thrown and splattered paint on canvas 2016-2022
Rebecca Molayem Gallery, L.A. Beverly Hills ArtShow Spring 2022
The reason the dates of creation run so long is that this painting has been numerous incarnations.
Always a reflection in water of this stand of trees, but like trees themselves, the foliage
has changed.
I usually work on my paintings until they are placed with an owner. I hang them in my
studio, in my home, in a gallery or on exhibition and I look at them. Sometimes, though
rarely, I like them from the start, they have 'thrown' well from the beginning, more often,
they need a little more work... or a lot.
This painting didn't need more, it wanted more. To be more vibrant, more colorful, then the
original green foliage allowed. I think it was right.