Thursday, May 16, 2024

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18th & 19th 2024

Make a Wish        48x30"              thrown and splattered paint on canvas       2024   

Beverly Hills ArtShow   May 18th&19   
Make a Wish is part of the portal series, depicting deep, multi starred,  night skies. This one has the Milky Way as well.  The dandelions and grass are thrown and splattered paint (as is the sky), the stalks are made using a stick to 'throw' a stream of paint across the canvas, difficult to control the outcome, but that is part of the point of this style. The small dandelions are splattered using a small brush and walking in circles around the painting.


Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18th&19th

               Green Flash            30x40"         thrown and splattered paint on canvas             2024

Beverly Hills ArtShow 2024

This photo is a bit oversaturated. The painting is intense in its color combinations but not quite so as this photo would suggest. It does however, seem to exhibit the streams of paint from the splashes a bit better than most 2d photos can do, so I left it in. In person. you can see these subtleties of splash versus throw, in a photograph, it's not particularly captured. 

The green flash is a phenomenon sometimes witnessed as the sunsets just beneath the ocean's horizon. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

Under the Red Moon       48x30"        thrown and splattered paint on canvas           2024

Beverly Hills ArtShow      May 18th&19th

Under the Red Moon, was one of those paintings that did not want to be what I wanted. It fought me every step of the way, until it was almost in the throw away pile. This was its last chance of becoming a thrown and splattered painting. And like only one other, it did it, it pulled out at the last minute, and though it is not in the least what it started out as, it became what it wanted to be. This painting directed me, much more than I ever directed it. 


Rebecca Molayem Gallery. Los Angeles

      36x24"            thrown and splattered paint on canvas          2024

Rebecca Molayem Gallery       June 1  2024 exhibit.      Los Angeles

Bioluminescence is part of the portal/bigsky series. each depicting a large sky, with a multitude of stars as a backdrop to a quiet spacescape , here it's a beach scene, with the bioluminescence of living creatures just below the placid surface. This piece will be featured at a four woman show on June 1, at the gallery.

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

 Dark Road   Borders of Chaos      36x24"    thrown and splattered paint on canvas     2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow.      May 18th&19th

Dark Road is from the Borders of Chaos series. The chaos being the thrown and splattered paint that is somewhat corralled in this series by the blocking off of the painting, during throws. It gives the work a powerful, bursting quality, ready to spill forth the chaos made by  the tiny but multitudinous splashes of paint.

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

 Triptych    Three Amigas      36x12" each       36x36"total triptych             2023

Beverly Hills ArtShow      May 18&19     2024

Derived from the California Super Bloom, when it seems that every tiny plot of land erupts into beautiful blooms in the spring, especially after heavy winter rains. Nasturtiums and Pink Pride of Madeira are portrayed on these three friends.

Beverly Hills Art Show. May 18&19

24x12" thrown, splattered, dry brushed and dripped hearts onto canvas

36x16" dripped, splattered, dry brushed and thrown heart on canvas


Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

           Jacaranda in Red           36x24"           thrown and splattered paint on canvas        2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow.    May 18&19

Jacaranda in Red, is thrown and spattered paint on canvas. The deep red and yellow and plum  background  denotes the setting sun, on this lone tree standing in a field of blue. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

                       From the Top         36x36"         thrown and splattered paint on canvas          2023

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18&19     2024

From the Top, depicts that last branch, reaching for the sky. The limbs and branches are thrown on the canvas with streams of paint from various size sticks. The leaves and blossoms art splattered on using brushes. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

          A surprise Storm                38x38"        thrown and splattered paint on canvas           2024

Beverly Hills Art Show      May 18&19     2024

A surprise Storm  blew in, in the spring time, leaving new plantings covered in not just a light dusting , but a snow of some depth. Thrown and splattered paint, using sticks and brushes to throw streams of paint and splatter the snowfall.

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

 Faery Forest        48x24"           thrown and splattered paint on canvas          2024

Beverly Hills ArtShow      May 18 & 19th  

Painted from a private faery path in the San Juan Islands, where those who know about it, commune with the faeries, leaving them jewelry, small abodes, and trinkets. Things to delight a faery, just as this path delights me. 

Beverly Hills Art Show. May 18&19th

 Redbuds diptych      40x40"each 40x80" total      thrown and splattered paint on canvas     2024

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18 & 19 

This darker appearance on the left side of the diptych is just the lighting in the room. I left it that way, so that people can see how much lighting effects my paintings. Clients have told me, they have spent hours just watching their painting evolve, as the sunlight appears to  change it throughout an afternoon. I have done the same thing. With direct lighting, the painting may appear more vibrant, but flatter, as the light moves past, the texture will pick up shadows. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow. May 18&19

 Into the Mustard   48x60" (one of 2 diptychs totaling  5x10') thrown and splattered  2023

Beverly Hills ArtShow   May 18 &19    2024

Into the Mustard is one of two diptychs, totaling 5x10ft. The work is thrown and splattered paint, that depicts the dense foliage of spring blooms in Southern California wild weeds and blooms. 

               Honey Jack        40x60"           thrown and splattered paint on canvas               2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18 & 19th   2024

Honey Jack is a reference to the many Jacarandas we have on our property in South California. This one happens to be growing amid the honeysuckles and wild mustard, it's backdrop a large Coral Tree. So, the color combinations are riotous. All work is created using sticks and brushes to throw and splatter acrylic paint on to canvas. 

Leigh Collection Bel Air

Wild Mustard        40x60"       thrown and splattered paint on canvas      2024

 Leigh Collection  Bel Air,  California

Wild Mustard was commissioned for the private Leigh Collection in Bel Air, California. The thrown and splattered paint connotes the abundance of wild mustard grown through out Southern California in the spring, after significant rain fall. 

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18 & 19

 Yellow Road, Borders of Chaos series        48x48"         thrown and splattered paint on canvas      2023

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 2024

Borders of Chaos are a group of paintings I painted  using the thrown and splattered technique around blocked areas of the canvas. The lines are more precise and severe, having been blocked. It gives the painting a very solid appearance, with the chaos, the abundance of splashed paint, seemingly contained within the boundaries. 

Beverly Hills Art Show May 18 &19 Faery Forest

              Faery Forest          48x30'       thrown and splattered paint on canvas       2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow  May 18& 19th.    

Faery Forest was painted after visiting a private faery forest on one of the San Juan Islands. The forest path was decked with offerings to the faery's from small trinkets to jewelry, and everything in between. 

The forest path was wonderful and magical, I believe the faeries must have approved. 

Leigh Collection Bel Air Redbuds

                      Redbuds              40x60"         thrown and splattered paint on canvas          2024

Leigh Collection      Bel Air  California

Redbuds was commissioned for the private Leigh Collection of art works, Bel Air.  The work depicts a strand of redbuds trees, in full bloom, their bight colors in strike contrast with the dark green foliage behind.

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18 &19 2024. A View of the Sea

    A View Of the Sea        40x40"          thrown and splattered paint on canvas          2022

Beverly Hills ArtShow  May 18 & 19th

A View From the Sea, thrown and splattered paint on canvas denotes the excitement of spring, when the hills of Southern California come alive with plantings, that raise their arms and faces, bobbing to and fro in the oceanly breezes.

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18&19 2024 Starry Night

Starry Night     48x24"      thrown and splattered paint      2023

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 2024

Starry Night is part of the the portal series I've been working on. This one implies a vast sky, over an expanse of water... or over city lights,....or possibly a mountain range and city many interpretations, all depends  on the viewer....

Leigh Collection Bel Air

       spectacular Sunset          30x48"          thrown and splattered paint on canvas        2023

Leigh Collection,  Bel Air

spectacular Sunset belongs to the  private,  Leigh Collection, in Bel Air California

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 18&19th



                   Wild Flowers Cut     48x30"    Dripped, Splattered, Thrown, DryBrush      2024

Beverly Hills ArtShow May 2024

Wild Flowers Cut , was built up from an over thrown painting. A painting that has gotten too thick with paint to throw accurately on to its surface. I play with these overthrows, sometimes to the point of losing the painting altogether. In this case however, I ended up with a stand alone painting, with an abundance of color and texture. I'm quite happy with this one. 

Adelman Fine Art

      Morning on the River  40x40" thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2024

Adelman Fine Art Gallery, San Diego 

This painting is from the Portal series begun in 2023. Each painting relates to space and time, as perceived through the lens of an observer.