Tuesday, July 23, 2019

City of Fontana

 Los Jilgueros Preserve, 5.5x10ft.   thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas    2019
City of Fontana Summer Showcase Artist 2019
City of Fontana

Just a couple of the larger works headed to the City of Fontana. I paint with the canvas on the floor, walking around as layer upon layer is thrown on the canvas. I feel, while painting, that I am almost able to enter my larger works. I hope, due to size, that the viewer feels that way as well. These paintings are off to Fontana for the summer, where I have the honor of being their Summer Showcase Artist. These are just a couple of the paintings over 8 feet, to see more, visit the Art Depot Gallery and City Hall of Fontana. 

Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho

Storm Nearing  40x72"  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
represented by Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho
Mitchell Contemporary (click for more available works) 

Storm nearing, was a wonderful storm that was tracking us, as we drove through Colorado. What a beautiful show of colors, across the plains and the sky...

LGOCA, Laguna Beach, CA

Sunset Beach  4x5' thrown and splattered paint on canvas  2018
represented by LGOCA, Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art, Laguna Beach
LGOCA (click to view more works) 

California Coast allows us many opportunities to view dramatic ocean sunsets. I try to capture the feeling, the mood, when in the evening, the sky lights up,leaving patches of turqoise amidst flames of red and yellow (and if you're lucky...the green flash).

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles
Spring solo exhibit
Rebecca Molayem Gallery (click to view more works)

Los Jilgueros Preserve

Los Jilgueros Preserve  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019

Another work from the Los Jilgueros Preserve. Spring was wonderful to us, lots of flowers. Summer/Fall means heat, which will dry these and the sage grasses into tender for the wildfires. Hopefully, they will pass us by  but in the meantime, I am still enjoying the spring harvest.

Adelman Fine Art, San Diego

Wild Mustard  48x24"  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas   2019
represented by Adelman Fine Art, San Diego
Adelman Fine Art (to view more images, please click)

We had an abundance of wild mustard this year on the Hill. So much fun to walk through, photograph and paint.

Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles

Coastal CA.  36x48"  thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
Rebecca Molayem Gallery, Los Angeles
Rebecca Molayem Gallery (click to view more works)

A bit of a new style with 2019. Going back to a looser style, more conducive to the technique. If the painting looks painted on, rather than 'thrown', I feel I've defeated the purpose of the technique. I am not striving for the Annie Oakley of paint throwing, just trying to suggest an image, a feeling, an essence of a subject.

L'Attitude Art Gallery, Boston

Pink Trees  36x48" thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
represented by L'Attitude, Boston
L'Attitude (click to view more works)
Abundance  24x36"   thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas   2019
represented by Adelman Fine Art, San Diego
Adelman Fine Art (click on link to view more works)

Mitchell Contemporary, Idaho, triptych Aspen Grove

 Aspen Grove   triptych  48x90"  (48x30"each panel) thrown and splattered acrylic on canvas  2019
represented by, Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho
Mitchell Contemporary (click to view more works)

Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho

Maples 4x5'  thrown and splattered acrylic paint on canvas  2018
represented by Mitchell Contemporary, Ketchum Idaho
Mitchell Contemporary (click to view more works)