Sunday, November 30, 2014

Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art/ wild mustard

wild mustard  iv        36x48"     thrown acrylic on canvas       2013

available through
Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art
Laguna Beach, CA

sold private party

brochure cover 2013

"In this body of work, referencing art history, one is astonished to consider the possibility that Carey has wrest the technique of Pollock back to visual purpose of Seurat, using splattered brushwork as Seurat made use of the dot to quest after capturing fully life and nature in a kind of abstract impressionist painting."  NY art critic, Robert Mahoney 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art


         poppies      36x48"      thrown acrylic house paint on canvas      2014
available through
Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art 
Laguna Beach
exhibition and representation

I am very pleased to announce that my work is being represented and exhibited by The Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art in Laguna Beach California .


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Paintings in Public Settings

 The environment frequently determines the visual impact on the viewer. Where something is seen often determines the value and viability of art. Location, location, location.
The Gallery at The Brooks, Oceanside
shown with sculpture by Julia C R Gray

The Currant Restaurant, Hotel Sofia, San Diego 

The Picture Art Foundation, CSUDH 

Japanese Friendship Garden, San Diego

Japanese Friendship Garden, San Diego
Nadine Baurin Fine Art, Leucadia

Culture Inside Gallery, Luxembourg

works have also been exhibited and collected throughout Southern California and the nation including, Washington DC, New York and Los Angeles

Paintings in their Home Settings

I have always believed that the viewer is an integral part of the painting process. The environment also inserts itself on the paintings visual effect.  Though the painting remains the same, each visual effect is as individual as it's owners. Below are a few paintings in their home settings.
  Los Angeles
the painting contributes to rooms the environment

 San Diego
 the wall was painted to enhance the painting

the room was designed with the painting as a focal point
Michael P of Michael P Designs consulted on this interior

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Family Trees

Family Trees are sets of painted canvas blocks that together make up an  impressionistic image of a tree. Singularly, the blocks stand alone as a part of the tree, each piece retaining the essence of the tree, while the whole gives the essence and image. Family Trees are exhibited as an entire tree, or separated into 'branches' of the tree (if separated, family member, friends, people with commonalities can each have a branch of the tree, while still being a part of the larger tree).
The original family tree was the 21 piece, Cherry Blossom montage. Rather than going to an individual family, Cherry Blossom montage resides with the worlds family. Individual canvas blocks now reside in numerous homes and institutions around the US and the world, including,  Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, California and Tokyo.

 single canvas block from the family tree, retains the essence of the tree.

Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art / winter woods

winter woods     36x24"       thrown acrylic paint on canvas        2014

available through
Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art
Laguna Beach, CA
Beverly Hills artShow  2014

"Carey is intent on bringing to canvas the fullness of the visual response of an artist to the complex facture of bushes, branches, grasses and other wild vegetation. Right away, exploring the scales of branching in terms of size and thickness all but with a chaos theoretician’s enthusiasm for the fractal infinities of nature, Carey has developed a wide, straight, branch-like stroke, then thin, fragile, wavering, leaf-like stroke, and every variation in between."  Robert Mahoney, NY art critic 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Nadine Baurin Fine Art/ throwing autumn

autumn woods    36x24"   thrown acrylic on canvas  2014
available through
Nadine Baurin Fine Art
Leucadia, CA
autumn woods
private collection
"Carey's gestural impressionism results in views that remain in our thoughts long
after we have seen them, making her an artist of genuine accomplishment."  Johnathan Goodman , NY art critic


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Beverly Hills artShow/ sakura fubuki

sakura fubuki (cherry blossom storm)     66x96"     thrown paint on canvas     2013
Japanese Friendship Garden  solo exhibit  2013
Beverly Hills artShow   2014

Thank you to all who made these shows successful events. It is through the support of collectors, patrons, galleries, museums and critics that I am able to continue in my art world. It is through the joy of viewers that I thrive.
"Carey has wrest the technique of Pollock back to visual purpose of Seraut"
Robert Mahoney, N.Y. art critic


Wednesday, October 8, 2014



jacaranda   48x48" thrown paint on canvas 2014

Beverly Hills artShow   2014

jacaranda has taken over two years to complete. not because it was a bad painting,  there have been more precise renderings of a tree, but none portrayed what i am trying to portray as an artist.
i throw paint. which lends a quality of chaos i wouldn't get if i applied it differently. it is in that chaos that i try to discover the essence of the subject matter, not the subject matter itself. the painting on top is an impressionist view of a jacaranda, not a photographic one.  i am an impressionist with an abstract technique. my work should reflect that. this jacaranda, with it's impasto texture, and pointillist nature now does just that.


one of it's multiple renderings..

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Beachgrass IX

beachgrass lX   4x6' thrown acrylic on canvas  2014
Beverly Hills artShow   2014
                                                        beach grass ix detail

Beach Grass IX, will be on exhibit at  the Beverly Hills artShow, Oct. 18 &19th in Beverly Hills. booth #323 between Canon and Crescent.
private collection
Diana Carey impressionism

Friday, September 19, 2014

Michael P Designs

cathy's beach   4x6'  thrown acrylic on canvas   2012

Michael Poczkalski of Michael P Designs, NY
is helping to create a New York living room around the painting, cathy's beach, utilizing a radical step of painting the living room ceiling black to dramatize the effect of the painting. This artist could not be more honored.

private collection
diana carey abstract impressionist 


reeds   5.5x7.5' unstretched   thrown acrylic paint on canvas   2009

diana carey abstract impressionist

in the studio 

Japanese Friendship Garden / sakura fubuki

sakura fubuki  (cherry blossom storm)   5.5x8'  thrown acrylic on canvas   2012

Japanese Friendship Garden
solo exhibit 2013

diana carey abstract impressionism

Japanese Friendship Garden

Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art / pink blossom tree

pink blossom tree  36x48"   thrown acrylic paint on canvas   2013
available through
Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art
Laguna Beach, CA

Nadine Baurin Fine Art Gallery  Leucadia
solo exhibit 2013-14

diana carey abstract impressionism

i often times find myself  'adding' to an already complete canvas, out of boredom, the need to alter it,  to explore the process,  or just because i have no blank canvases available, large canvases can be fairly expensive and I don't always have them on hand.  if there were an unlimited supply of canvas, i would hope that i would just leave the 'finished' ones alone, and do further exploration work on a new canvas. however, i am not certain, even with the supplies, i would do so. 
i have a vision, one that i am not always privy to myself, until it hits (which does not always happen, there have been some ruined paintings and canvases). i am trying to catch the essence of an idea, not a photo realistic painting. A concept I don't always understand. i only know if i have captured it. 
below are a couple  of the incarnations of pink blossom tree (top). it needs to be finished now, if only because the paint itself is  getting quite heavy.


Culture Inside Gallery, Luxembourg

tide pools diptych    20x40" each   thrown acrylic on canvas 2011

the woods   20x20"   thrown acrylic on canvas   2009

Culture Inside Gallery in Luxembourg
representation 2011-current

to view this and other available paintings in Europe please contact the gallery in Luxembourg

diana carey abstract impressionism, tangles series

Japanese Friendship Garden San Diego / nest Xl

nest Xl   8x4.5'   thrown acrylic paint on canvas 
Japanese Friendship Garden
solo exhibit 2013
outdoor evening exhibit
diana carey abstract impressionism, nest series

SDAI 52nd International/ nest Xll

 nest Xll   8x4.5'   thrown acrylic on canvas   2012

San Diego Art Institute   museum of the living artist
52nd International Exhibit 2013

diana carey abstract impressionism, nest series

Winter Woods lll

winter woods lll  36x24"   thrown acrylic on canvas    2014

Nadine Baurin Fine Art Gallery  Leucadia
solo exhibit  2014

diana carey abstract impressionism, tangles series

Japanese Friendship Garden / nest Vl

nest Vl  36x36", thrown acrylic paint on canvas 2011
Japanese Friendship Garden
solo exhibit 2013
The Gallery at the Brooks
solo exhibit  2013-14

diana carey abstract impressionism, nest series

Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art / cardinal's woods

cardinals woods    24x36"    thrown acrylic on canvas     2013

available through
Laguna Gallery of Contemporary Art

Nadine Baurin Fine Arts
solo exhibit 2013-2014

detail cardinal's woods
the cardinal

this one is named for the splash of red paint that landed (perched itself) unintentionally, on one of the 'branches' in the woods.

diana carey abstract impressionism, tangles series

California Women's Museum / nest Vlll

nest Vlll , 4x6', thrown acrylic on canvas

The Picture Art Foundation
CSUDH 2011-2012
exhibit, "I Have A Right"

Women's Museum of California
exhibit, "Capturing the Wonder of Women"

diana carey abstract impressionism, nest series

New York Arts Club / cocoon

Cocoon, 12x36", thrown acrylic on canvas,  2010

98th Allied Artist International Exhibit
NY Arts Club 2011

Alexander Salazar Fine Art
San Diego  E.A.S.E.L 2010

diana carey abstract/impressionism

New York critics review

Atumn ll,  4x5', thrown acrylic paint on canvas 2012

Robert Mahoney  critical review
John Mendelsohn  critical review
Jonathan Goodman  critical review

this painting was submitted for critical review in New York to the above critics. Their reviews are available  on this site.

diana carey abstract impressionism tangles series

larger painting of autumn l

The Gallery at The Brooks / wild mustard l

wild mustard  l           5.5x11'          thrown acrylic paint           2010

detail of wild mustard l
The Gallery at The Brooks   solo exhibit 2014
wild mustard l is my largest  painting to date. the horizontal measurement is 11 feet, stretched.this one was painted outdoors, over a number of days. embedded in the painting are peacock, rabbit and dog footprints, tree and leave droppings, some unfortunate insects and a bit of blown dirt. rather than detracting from the painting, the bits of life add substance and process to the painting.  
diana carey art abstract impressionism, tangles series 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Beverly Hills Art Show / beach grass VIII

Beach Grass VIII   30x48"  thrown acrylic paint on canvas  2014

The Beverly Hills artShow 2014

diana carey art abstract impressionism, seascape, tangles series