Monday, December 2, 2013

Nadine Baurin Contemporary Art Exhibit

Saturday, December 7th
2 pm - 8 pm
Nadine Baurin Fine Art presents "Enchanted," a winter art exhibition featuring the work of Diana Carey and selected paintings by Nadine Baurin. The exhibit runs from December 7th through February 8th, with an opening reception to be held on Saturday Dec. 7th, from 2 pm to 8 pm.

Nadine Baurin Fine Arts, Leucadia

Northern California Coast

   north california coast       4'x5'        thrown paint on canvas          2013

private collection 
diana carey abstract impressionism, seascape, tangles series

This painting is more pointillistic than my other beach scenes, which have more erratic, rhythmic throws from a stick, versus spatters with a brush. In this painting, the splatters appear as points of light shimmering off the ocean.

Friday, July 19, 2013

September Woods

september woods       6'x4'         thrown paint on canvas           2012

Currant Restaurant    Hotel Sophia    San Diego   2013

private collection
diana carey art

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Southern California Sagebrush

southern california sagebrush   24"x30"    thrown acrylic paint on canvas   2012

private party collection
diana carey abstract impressionism, tangles series

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

essay by New York art critic, Robert Mahoney

I recently sent work to New York to be reviewed by art critics and writers, Jonathan Goodman, John Mendelsohn and Robert Mahoney.  Each critic  took his time to review the original work and the photographic work submitted. Each critic interviewed me about my work, the process and my intentions and each wrote an in depth analysis.
I was so pleased with the results.
Below is a link to the essay produced by Robert Mahoney

essay by New York art critic Robert Mahoney

in the branches

in the branches      36" x 48"         thrown painting using sticks and brushes                         nfs

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Gallery at The Brooks / trees triptych

trees triptych       8'x4.5' (each)      wooden doors

All three of the original  triptychs are now on exhibit at The Gallery at The Brooks in the  Oceanside Community Theatre. The third of the triptychs  had been exhibited at the Currant Restaurant of the Hotel Sophia in downtown San Diego for the past two years. 

Currant Restaurant, Hotel Sofia

diana carey abstract impressionism, tangles series, original works on wood


SDAI 52nd international exhibit / nest Xll

nest Xll   8'x 4.5'  thrown acrylic  paint on canvas  2011
San Diego Art Institute museum of the living artist
SDAI 52nd international exhibit 2013
diana carey art

Friday, February 1, 2013

Creating A Storm, Japanese Friendship Garden

beach grass I      koi stones      working tools         exhibit

Japanese Friendship Garden    San Diego
Creating A Storm, Sakura Fubuki

nest IX

Japanese Friendship Garden  
garden exhibit  1/31/2013

Diana Carey's , Creating A Storm (KPBS)

sakura fubuki   5.5x8'   gestural painting, thrown with sticks and brushes   2013
Japanese Friendship Garden  San Diego 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cherry Blossom Montage

Cherry Blossom Montage
21) 21"x21" canvas paintings
Japanese Friendship Garden San Diego
Sakura Fubuki Exhibit 2/1/13-4/28/13 

artists and audiences are in a symbiotic relationship. the artist may paint his interpretation and intentions but  the audience has a tremendous impact on whether that art work (and the artist) is viewed and acknowledged. the intent too is based on personal interpretation. though the artist may have a specific idea of his intentions, the viewer carries with him, his own, thus altering the vision on a personal level (galleries, curators, writers...all bring with them their personal interpretations). the audience has the power of  determining the status of an artist, and painting and also determining the interpretation of the artists own interpretation.
during this exhibit the 12"x12" paintings will be for sale, either singularly or in groups. unlike normal exhibits that ask work not be removed until the end of the exhibit, i request work be removed immediately after purchase.  by allowing the audience to purchase the art work during the exhibit, and thus re-configuring the artwork, the art process and  the artwork, evolves. it is part of the process and the art experience, just as the original painting is a process, so is the viewing, selling, and removal of pieces that make for a 'new' piece, interpretation and experience. it gives a transparency to the symbiotic relationship of artist and audience. i am really excited by this concept.

post script. so many of the pieces were removed, the painting lost it's continuity, success, however, i decided to paint replacement pieces to indicate an evolving tree, cherry blossom summer.